1913 : Born, Boston, Massachusetts
2000 : Died, Parma, Italy
1947- Niveau Gallery, New York, also 1949
1949- Galeria Il Cortile, Rome
1951- New Gallery, New York
1953- Stable Gallery, New York, also 1955, 1956, 1958
1956- Frank Perls Gallery, Hollywood
1957- Galleria La Tartaruga, Rome
Galleria del Naviglio, Milan
1959 - Kootz Gallery, New York, also 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964
1961 - Instituto de Arte Contemporaneo, Lima
Galeria Schmela, Dusseldorf, also 1971
1962- Galerie de France, Paris
1963- Galerie Charles Lienhard, Zurich
Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
1965- Galeria Bonino, Buenos Aires
1967- James David Gallery, Coral Gables
Makler Gallery, Philadelphia, also 1974
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham MA
1968- University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Alpha Gallery, Boston
1969- Reed College, Portland
Seattle Art Museum, Seattle
1970 - Marlborough Gallery, New York, also 1975, 1979
University of Maryland Art Gallery, College Park, MD
Norton Gallery, West Palm Beach
1971- Fort Lauderdale Museum of Arts, Fort Lauderdale, also 1979
Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
1972 - Galeria Carl Van der Voort, Ibiza, also 1975
1973 - Galeria Inguanzo, Madrid
Galerie Bahlsen, Berlin
Galerie Numaga, Auvernier, Switzerland
1974- Marlborough Gallery, Zurich
1975- Marlborough-Goddard Gallery, Toronto and Montreal
1977- Cordier & Ekstrom, New York
Galeria Lanzenberg, Ibiza
1978 - Carone Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, FL, also 1979
Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona
1980- Ringling Museum, Sarasota, FL (Retrospective)
1981- Hokin Gallery, Chicago
1982- Phoenix Gallery, Washington
1985- Marisa Del Re Gallery, New York, also 1986, 1987, 1989, 1991
1990- Galleria d'Arte Niccoli, Parma
1998 - Galleria d'Arte Niccoli, Arte Fiera, Bologna
Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice
2001- "Conrad Marca-Relli: Canvas Collages," Washburn Gallery, New York
2004- "Conrad Marca-Relli: Collage on Paper," Washburn Gallery, New York
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh
Chase Manhattan Bank, Rockefeller Collection, New York
Colby College Art Museum, Waterville, ME
Cleveland Art Museum , Cleveland
Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge
Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao
Herron Museum of Art, Indianapolis
High Museum of Art, Atlanta
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
James A. Michner Foundation, Allentown, PA
Los Angeles County Museum , Los Angeles
Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, New York
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica
Museum of Modern Art, New York
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art, Philadelphia
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
St. Paul Gallery of Art, St. Paul, MN
San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco
Seattle Art Museum, Washington
The Berkley University, Berkeley
The Michener Foundation, Pipersville, PA
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley Art Museum
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Yale University, New Haven, CT