From Right to Left:
Little Brothers, 1992, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 28 x 48 in. (2 panels)
Untitled, 1984, Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 62 in.
Mi, 1989, Acrylic on canvas, 76 x 76 in.
Brothers, 1992, Acrylic on canvas, 78 x 134 1/8 in.
Raven, 1988, Acrylic on canvas, 66 1/8 x 64 1/8 in.
Beatrice, 1988, Acrylic on canvas, 78 x 60 1/8 in.
Double Down, 1990, Acrylic on canvas, 77 7/8 x 78 in.